Ad-Lib Training

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This December

It is hard to stay on track and not succumb to the mince pies, tinsel magic and festivities, and why not embrace it? Give yourself some well-earned rest.  It doesn’t mean you can’t manage both your health and gain some much-needed R and R over December.  Here are some recommendations to gain balance. Pick one or two to try this December to take care of your physical and mental health.

1.     Balance each alcoholic drink with a glass of water.  Alternate between the two.

2.     Try a family walk on boxing day.  Spend a couple of hours in the fresh air.

3.     Have a day of no mobile phones.  Sometime technology free is a blessing.

4.     Instead of online shopping in the sales, take a trip to the shops.  Walking and weight training in one ;)

5.     Play some board games to avoid looking at screens too much.

6.     Try de-stress with some meditation or yoga at home.  There are some great apps available, YouTube examples or even just focus on the breath in a quiet space.

7.     Every time adverts come on, get up and move around the house.

8.     Save time in the diary to exercise.  Keep it like an appointment, plan ahead.

9.     Ensure your sleeping environment is comfortable and suitable. Reducing technology, taking time to settle and having a clean, uncluttered environment goes a long way.

10.  Why wait for the NY to set a goal or resolution.  Start now, keep it positive with a clear timeframe and measure.  What can you add to your life rather than take out.  Set good habits now.

And if you don’t manage any of this over the December break, no worries.. don’t feel bad.  When you are ready to get back to it think health, rather than diet.  Invest in yourself.  Be the best version of you!

Merry Christmas and have a fabulous New Year – Bring on 2020!