These are the five simple methods  which can be adopted to improve your mental wellbeing.  Attempting just one of these suggestions can give you direction, improving your positivity and mental balance. 

With the prospect of further lockdowns, this can increase anxiety adjusting again to forever changing reforms, navigating our way through the new ‘norm’, it is a challenging time but this time we have opportunity to prepare.  What can you do with the autumn change to aid your mental wellbeing for the rest of 2020?

Autumn is a season for change, a time to reset, a season for accomplishment and fulfilment. Let’s indulge in some self-care to reflect, achieve balance, let go of previous lockdown stresses, manage our emotions and implement positive change. 

The 5 ways to wellbeing.  Spread the list, let others know what small changes they can do for the good of themselves and others.  Let’s evolve and help others reduce their stress,  anxiety, panic, anger, low motivation, loneliness… to name a few 2020 challenges.

Connect… relationships give you a sense of belonging and value.  Take time each day to be with others.  Whether it’s with family, friends, volunteers, a new person .  Five minutes a day to talk to someone over the phone can make a big difference.  Social media does not count.

Move… Let’s get physically active.  Exercise doesn’t always mean intense. Find something you enjoy and try to achieve 150 minutes per week.  As well as the mental benefits, consider the physical gains you could achieve too.  Exercise can enhance your mood, it can release hormones to work towards happiness.  Set yourself a goal and imagine the sense of achievement once you accomplish it.

Learn something new… from trying out a new recipe to a DIY project.  Try something which challenges you.  Learn a new word but avoid the news or scrolling too frequently.  Give yourself a sense of purpose.

Give to others… Find your community and help others.  Did you know one act of kindness per week for six weeks is associated with increased levels of mental wellbeing.  Volunteer, help a family friend with their DIY project, say thank you, listen to a friend in need.  Spread the positivity.

Be present.. pause… take notice. Whether it is internal thoughts and feelings or noticing what is around you.  Try living in the moment, slowing down and enjoy what you have.  This can heighten your awareness and helps with making positive choices.  Go for a walk, leave your phone and headphones.  Listen to the birds, look up at the clouds, take notice of what is going on around you.  Have you got a green space near you?  Visit and pay attention to nature.  If you see some rubbish on the floor, pick it up. Take notice of how a family member is behaving.  Just ‘Be’ in every moment. 

Should you feel you need to seek further support, these methods can all be explored further on the NHS or mind websites.


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By Katie Horsley-Page

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