After a challenging 2020, and unpredictable entrance to 2021, the usual “New year, new me” mantras might not resonate with us in the same way. Some might find the idea of setting New Year’s resolutions exhausting and pointless – is it a waste of time to be setting goals and planning ahead in the uncertain climate we are living in?
It’s reported that approximately 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail. Whilst some people set new goals from a place of hope, many set them from a place of negativity and our brains aren’t geared up to make quick, abrupt changes to our perceived bad habits hence the high failure rate.
Listening to the founder of the running programme Couch to 5K, Josh Clark, speaking last week I was struck by his thinking around motivation to exercise. He created Couch to 5K to change the slogan “no pain, no gain” to “no pain, no pain”. Creating a thought process where we are kind to ourselves, allowing ourselves to go more slowly than we think we should and not exercising because we feel we owe a penance for doing something wrong.
I found his outlook, which encourages users to start the process by being gentle to themselves to allow the achievement of victories almost immediately, hugely refreshing. It’s difficult to find enthusiasm for something if you feel like you are having to do it because you are fixing something which is broken or have done something wrong. It’s 25 years since Josh created the Couch to 5K programme and it has been used in a multitude of mediums, including an NHS endorsed app, his approach successfully resulting in millions of people worldwide taking up jogging and running.
I can’t help but wonder if the reason I was so drawn to Josh’s approach is because it mirrors Ad-Lib Training’s training philosophy. Our learners begin their journey with us for a number of reasons, not all are about achieving a qualification or becoming fitter. We applaud our learners’ small step achievements as much as the level of qualification they may complete. For some of our students building the confidence to actually get to and participate in sessions is one of the biggest achievements in their journey. Our flexible and solution-based approach to supporting our learners’ individual goals helps our customers achieve their business and community objectives which is why so many of customers keep commissioning our delivery.
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