This time last year we were still managing to get out and walk together. It seems like a long time ago and on occasion I wonder if we will ever get back to those times. 

The truth of the matter is it will never be the same. Too much has happened and sadly so many have lost so much. It is important we remember that and show empathy for those affected. It is up to all of us to support the ones who have been affected the most. 

One way to build on our strength is to try to find the positives that have come out of this time. 

Personally, in the last year I have been amazed by the heroism of all those who have volunteered and the army of key workers.  I have seen kindness in local communities and marvelled at the achievements of individuals who have truly made a difference, Captain Tom and Marcus Rashford being two prominent examples. But in our own membership we have NHS professionals and teachers coming out of retirement to help the cause. 

I believe many of us have learned the importance of being fit and healthy. So many are taking control of their health in preparation for life after lockdown. Now we have a date we can get excited about getting together for our workouts again. 

Friends and family are appreciating the importance of togetherness and although home schooling is hard, many have enjoyed additional quality family time over the past few months. 

Don’t get me wrong; I appreciate I am one of the lucky ones and the only real hardship has been a feeling on loneliness and some anxiety. I truly want this time to be over and I cannot wait to get back to feeling safe and free again. I know others have had a harder time than me.  That is why I think it is important that the next few months are important when it comes to helping and supporting others and pulling together where we can.  

5 things we can do to help ourselves and others

1.     Be strong both physically and mentally. Many of us have worked on our physical wellbeing. We know that a healthy cardiovascular system has made a big difference in the quality of recovery from Covid for many. But how many of us have worked on our mental wellbeing? Depression and anxiety can be crippling and greatly affect how we communicate with our local community and the world. Exercise Anywhere have teamed up with Ad-Lib Training and are delivering the AIQ Mental Health Awareness and First Aid qualification with an aim to support instructors as well as members to support others in moving forward post Covid with their mental health.  Book here.

2.     Check on your neighbours, friends and family. There will be people out there who have not had close contact with others for a year. It might take time for some to learn how to communicate and have the confidence to mix with others again.

3.     Use the high street and your local shops and businesses. We will all need to pull together to re-build our local communities. 

4.     Keep doing the things you have enjoyed about lockdown. So many of us have explored our local area and enjoyed our daily walks. Some have taken up new hobbies or started reading more. Keep the positive new habits going and don’t slip back into your old life. 

5.     Be thankful that we have got through this!


By Denise Page

To find out more about Denise and Ad-Lib Training you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Email or contact Denise directly

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