The World Health Organisation (WHO) recognises 10th October annually as World Mental Health Day.
This day provides us with an opportunity to talk about the topic of mental health. Many say that we shouldn’t need a day to remind us of something that we should be aware of every day. However, with a vast number of people suffering from depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues, surely any reminder that raises awareness, lessens stigma and opens healthy discussion cannot be a bad thing.
At Ad-Lib Training we focus on encouraging good mental health all year around for both individuals and mental health professionals in our Mental Health Awareness and Leading Physical Activity in a Mental Health Setting courses.
Here are some ways you can improve your mental health every day:
Move. Go for a walk, cycle, jump or dance. Anything that moves the tension out of your body and gets your blood flowing.
Connect with others, call your friends or family
Learn new skills. Try out a new recipe or work on a DIY project.
Be more mindful. You can watch this short mindful breathing exercise video on YouTube from Every Mind Matters.
Hug. By releasing oxytocin, a cuddle can help to alter hormones, lower blood pressure and improve your overall wellbeing in a matter of moments.
Laugh. Laughter triggers healthy physical and emotional changes in the body and releases powerful hormones that lift our mood. Watch a funny film or tv show or have a laugh with your friends or family.
MIND offers a plethora of support to anyone in need of support with their mental health. Find out more here.
For information from the NHS on better mental wellbeing, click here.