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When I saw Amelia Freer release the 10-day plan and the focus of the book, I thought this would be a good book to try. The mission is to introduce the reader to a healthy nutritional balance, rather than diets.  It challenges how you think about food, forcing you to evaluate yourself and how you respond to food.


Embrace the Outdoors this Easter


Embrace the Outdoors this Easter

With Easter fast approaching it is time to get the walking boots out, dust off the bike, and catch up with family over the glorious bank holiday weekend.

Regardless of what Easter means to you, whether it is the religious significance, having time to recover from the busy work period or chocolate!  At Ad-Lib Training we embrace the great outdoors, moving away from screens and using the time off to enjoy life with the people who mean something to us.  With this in mind, the tutoring team has shared a special place to them in the UK, where you can explore, enjoy family and stay healthy.

If you don’t have any plans this upcoming break, or unsure where to go for an adventure, this is a must read of our top locations!  There is something for everyone.


Instructors should cherish the New Year Resolution clients


Instructors should cherish the New Year Resolution clients

Every January, Gyms and Fitness Clubs throughout the country become busy as thousands of people with good intentions join up hoping to make some changes to their lifestyle.

The sudden growth in numbers attending is often greeted with annoyance by existing regular members who find it challenging if they can’t use “their” regular equipment of access ”their” regular classes.

Instructors can often view this increase in numbers with cynicism as their experience shows that these people won’t be there for very long.


A day in the life of a tutor


A day in the life of a tutor

A day in the life of a tutor..

I absolutely love teaching, I have learnt something new from every group I have taught. For 10 years, being in the studio all day, music on, sharing a passion with an excited team of budding new students, starting their journey in their new career choice.. I can't say it's always fun, sometimes very challenging and even emotional but I wouldn't change any part of my journey.

The only thing that I do find very common on my courses and really gets me analysing...


Why should we get active?


Why should we get active?

People are always trying to tell you what's best for you, what exercise to do, what to eat, the best kit needed.  There are a lot of guidelines you are meant to adopt to keep you physically active. Huge amounts of information about why you should do this and that.. But if I can give you one reason, for anyone who wants to start getting active, currently contemplating it or has been prescribed exercise due to health reasons. Ignoring the long lists of the dos and the don'ts..


Just qualified – Now what do I do?


Just qualified – Now what do I do?

I have recently moved to a new area. It has been an interesting reminder to experience what new instructors have to go through in order to gain a class.

At one time it was enough to teach aerobics, now you have to demonstrate what other skills you have. It helps if you teach a mixture of branded classes but at the same time have the ability to be able to design a programme various types of class as it gives you opportunity to cover a variety of classes.

Here are my top ten tips to get on the ladder:
